Holly Springs Counseling Center



We offer individual psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults. To begin the process, visit our clinician page to get started.

Individual Psychotherapy


Couples Therapy

Therapy for couples dealing with conflict of all kinds can be helpful. Some therapists prefer to meet with each partner individually and then as a couple. Others prefer to meet the couples together at all times. Typically, issues causing conflict are identified, skills are offered and practice of those skills is supported.

Nancy Smyth is a certified Relational Life Therapist (RLT). This is a more directive and solution focused approach than traditional couples therapy.


Family Therapy

Traditional Families are usually treated by seeing the parents first, and identifying the issues. Family therapy may include meeting with children separately prior to meeting as a family unit.

Non-Traditional Families are usually treated by seeing the parents first, and identifying the issues.Family therapy may include meeting with children separately prior to meeting as a family unit.

Blended Families Families bringing children from prior marriages into the family with the goal of blending them into a cohesive unit is best served by meeting with the parents first and identifying the sources of conflict. Defining the ‘step’ parents role is productive as well. Meeting with the children separately prior to meeting as a family unit is preferred.


groups & workshops


Our Next Grief and Loss Workshop . Date TBD

ENDURING (Complicated) Grief and Loss Workshop: 4 Sessions - 6:00-7:30 P.M. Location to be determined based on group size.

Please join us for Four 90 minute sessions in February as we explore the difficult space between loss and healing.


This Workshop is for persons struggling to move on from the loss of their loved one.

Cost: $120 per session or$400 for all 4 sessions if paid in advance at first session. (savings of $80)

*Note: All Groups are contingent on attendance minimums. Please register for the desired group by clicking here. Once a group has met the minimum of 7 participants, you will be contacted with start date and further information.


Parenting Support

Parenting Skills and Therapy for Families, Blended Families, Divorced Parents, Single Parents.

Katie Schroeder and Deborah Howell work with younger children.


Adoption Support can help you maneuver through the emotions and challenges that come with adoption for both new parents and child. Nancy Smyth specializes in this area.

Adoption Support


Our facility


Our offices are located in a historic building near downtown Holly Springs, NC. You’ll find your clinician’s private, sound-protected room a comfortable space as you work together to accomplish your theraputic goals. We also have a larger group therapy room.